Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just some thoughts

**Disclaimer-Serious stream of consciousness ahead. Read only if you're that bored**

I don't know why I have to be such an analytical person to the point that it drives me insane. I am forever analyzing people's faces and responses to things I say or questions I ask. I often go over conversations in my head that happened hours ago to try to determine if I have stepped on someone's toes or to figure out if there was a hidden meaning in that person's word choice. For example, after I walked out of my opera audition, I went straight to Dr. Shannon's office where I proceeded to go full force panic attack/hysteria on her. Thankfully, she went to Falbo for me and gathered my belongings so I wouldn't have to return to the theater in my current state. Later that weekend, I sent her an email just to thank her for her kindness and such. Well, her response to me was "You're welcome, Amanda. You are a special young woman and I know you will get through this." Ok. So anyone else would have thought, Oh that's a nice thing for her to say. But here's what Amanda thought:

Hm. Ok. What does "special" mean? Is it good or bad? What is the connotation of that word? Does she think that I am special in a dear-to-my-heart kind of way, or special in a"special education" kind of way? Does this mean that she thinks I am crazy after breaking down on her? Am I "special" because she thinks I am trying to get attention? Does 'special" imply ambivalence like it does in Italian? Is this endearment or an insult? There are so many things that special could mean and I just don't know which one she means so I am just going to forget she said this.

Literally, I focused on that one word for two days. THAT'S NOT HEALTHY. And that is just one example of something that I do all.the.time. Why do I always assume that someone is trying to smack me? Why do I always think that people think the worst of me? I guess I don't do this over every single person's response; mostly just a few people. It's always the people from whom I seek the most approval. Dr. Shannon is one of them, and there are others. Yet, why do I need that approval? Why am I not satisfied until I know that they think I am smart or that I work hard? Why can't I be satisfied with the fact that I KNOW I work hard and do my part? Why do I need recognition and praise? I am SO bad about that. I always seek praise. If I don't get it, man do I suffer. I always think I am doing everything wrong if I don't hear from them that I am doing them right, which is probably why I couldn't stay in Vocal Performance. I just didn't receive the praise or support that I felt I needed, I guess. Why does my hand have to be held all the time? I sometimes think I am the neediest, suckiest person on the face of this planet. I always need attention, emotional support, and praise. Not good.

I guess the reason I started thinking about this was just from choir today. When she said that no one was singing the phrasing correctly in the part checks, I was crushed. Literally. I truly thought I was doing it and I really just wanted her to hear that I was doing it. Maybe I really wasn't because I was so nervous. Maybe I was more focused on my voice than my phrasing. But damn it I just wanted her to see how focused I am in choir this semester and how much I know my music and that I spend hours listening to it and translating and analyzing the text. Listen to me blow my own horn! How awful! Why am I so damn proud of myself that I need her validation? Sure I don't know everything. I didn't sight-read the madrigal very well today. Sad thing is I shouldn't have been sight-reading it. I should have already practiced it. So see, I am not perfect. I am not the best choir student. I know I'm not. There are plenty of people in there that sight read better than I do and know their music too. But why I do have to hear her say, "Amanda you are doing really well. I am impressed with how much you know this music and can see that you are dedicated to choir"??

Ugh I feel like the world's worst person right now.

1 comment:

  1. So....I just posted a huge comment, and it didn't work. UGH.
    Try #2.
    I think everyone is approval-seeking. I know I am. Maybe not to the same extent or about the same things, but I seek approval at times. I think it stems from deep thinking. People who think deeply can do it to the extent of overthinking EVERYTHING. It can be self-destructive if you let it. Which is why you should de-stress, take a step back, and look at yourself without judgement. If you think you're less than you are, you'll probably seek approval. I know self-confidence is my cause, and it makes me doubt relationships, my faith, and myself in general. I'm not sure what an exact solution is, but just remember that just because people don't say it doesn't mean that they don't notice how great you are. You are special, and by "special" I mean that you are unique, fun, caring, extremely intelligent, talented, nice, genuine, and better than your own mind gives you credit for.
