Sunday, August 9, 2009

Samaritan's Purse

Oakwood Baptist Church started celebrating Christmas last month. The church looks ready to celebrate America's favorite holiday. The tree sits near the altar, decorated and lit, and presents surround it and even spill into the congregation. Anyone coming to visit the church for the first time would definitely think we are a little wacky because this is not December. It is August. However, this year, OBC is participating in Operation Christmas Child, a charity run by Samaritan's Purse. Members stuff shoeboxes with items such as candy, dolls, toy cars, and coloring books, and the boxes are shipped to children all around the world. For the past 4 weeks, we have been watching videos that promote the shoebox ministry. Many of these videos are both heart-breaking and inspiring. I thought I would share the video we watched this morning. After watching this video, God has really laid it on my heart to partake in this ministry. I would give every cent I have to give a child not only a wonderful Christmas present but the gift of the Gospel as well, just like Lejla Allison. So watch this video. I promise your heart will be touched.


  1. Amanda,

    Thank you for your post. We are particularly grateful for your participation in Operation Christmas Child and for your church's participation as well.

    Blessings to you,

    Samaritan's Purse

  2. Darren,

    Thank you. How did you happen to see this post?

